Why do so many people choose 5V led trips for neon sign making?

Hello everyone, hope you're all doing well!

Although we are supplying 5V and 12V led strips; But many customers seem to be unclear about why we provide and use 5V LED strips. Let me explain the advantages and disadvantages of 5V LED strips:


  1. Portable Power: 5V LED strips can be powered by battery boxes or power banks, making them suitable for applications requiring portable lighting.

  2. Cost Savings: Because of USB connectors, we don't need to provide power adapters to customers, It can help saveon production and transportation costs.

  3. Convenient Production: 5V LED strips can be cut every 10mm, which is more convenient for production compared to the 25mm cutting intervals of 12V LED strips.


  1. Power Loss: Due to the lower voltage, 5V LED strips may experience more significant power loss, limiting their use over longer distances. It is recommended to use them for neon lights within 1.5 meters.

  2. Lower Brightness: The overall brightness of 5V neon lights is lower than that of 12V products due to voltage differences.

  3. Higher Current Load: At the same power, the lower voltage of 5V LED strips results in higher current, increasing the load on wires and power sources. It is essential to strictly follow the specified requirements when selecting accessories.

I hope this provides a better understanding of 5V LED strips. If you have additional insights, feel free to leave a comment.

Thank you for your attention!


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